This track is a recording of the signals radiated by a Wi-Fi router during the sending of an image of the first analog cassette recorder from 1963 — a Philips EL 3200 —, attached to an email to Ignace De bruyn and Jan Van Den Dobbelsteen on the 4th of May 2014.


The recorder — equipped with one microphone for each antenna — tapes the different transmission signals on the right or on the left channel as a "stereo signal".

The Wi-Fi router transmits at 3.4 MHz and thus generates 3.4 billion cycles per second. The actual reception of the signals is only a few seconds long, but is prolonged through ever deeper "analysis". The fragmentation was achieved via different processes, both digital as analog, and via 'deceleration'. Therefore fragments of a second were distended to minutes in length. In this way the router's timing-in-seconds, much too fast for human perception, becomes open to "scrutiny".

Track 1 (47.12 min)

"You are listening to the digital data packet of an analog photograph of the first analog cassette recorder from 1963 in the form of a digital sound recording while the sending of the image in an email to and on 4 May 2014 by a Wi-fi router in under 3 seconds.“


Track 1 (47.12 min)
